A concept video
After our adventure at Hyper Island - Stockholm 2021, me, Behzad Fakhri and Pietro Baioni, wanted to keep working together. So we joined forces in this project with the aim to experiment with the use of light, materials, as well as animation and storytelling.
_Float is a 3D generated world inspired by the Nordic landscape and nature, a playground where light and gravity interact with the mathematics that underlay our system.

We originally planned to create a commercial for a fictional product, showcasing the Nordic environment, and later evolved into our definitive narration.
Working in remote, it was great for us to have Miro as a way of sharing our thoughts and and organizing the material we wanted to showcase.
As a team, we created sketches, collected visual inspiration and shared our ideas about storytelling.
We selected some of the ideas, developing a solid storyboard. We then created our looks in Cinema 4D and animated the scenes, trying to use light and camera movement to express the core feeling of our concept.

_Float, 2021
Viktor Alexandersson
Behzad Fakhri
Pietro Baioni
Created in C4D, Redshift, OctaneRender